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Our Services

We provide services to the populations of Wolverhampton, Walsall, Dudley and surrounding areas.
Not all services are available for each of these three areas.
Download our service information leaflet


Counselling Services linked to the screening programmes


Genetic Counselling

We work closely with the NHS to offer the NHS sickle cell and thalassaemia screening programme

All unusual results via the antenatal and neonatal screening process are referred to the project for the offer of a counselling appointment.


The main focus of the counselling is to ensure:

  • Individuals at risk of Haemoglobinopathies have full access to information

  • Access to one-to-one counselling sessions

  • Appropriate and understandable counselling is used

  • Liaison with other professionals on counselling issues is undertaken

  • Counselling is provided respective of cultural backgrounds and the ethnic customs of families


Counselling can be offered in three aspects:

  • Genetics (diagnosis and risk factors)

  • Health and Social (effective care and management)

  • Psychological (coping strategies)

Community Haemoglobinopathy services  


Care Plans and Assessments

All affected children are offered health care plans once they are looked after in childcare or an educational setting. 

These plans are carried out with their parents, carers and educational providers. These are carried out on an annual basis however or when changes occur these plans can be updated at any time. The relevant professionals involved in these plans can include the haemoglobinopathy community counsellor, the specialist nurse, the local paediatrician or the education provider and parent. 


All adults have assessments also done on an annual basis. These include ensuring management of their condition is clear to the individual and other relevant agencies such as the hospital, a clinic a work setting or a friend/ family member who will be taking care of the individual. 



The project carries out visits to clients as part of our commitment to support service users and families in the management of their condition. These visits can be done in hospitals, at home or in the community. 


Referrals to other agencies

Referrals and signposts can be made to relevant agencies regarding welfare benefits, such as housing, disability living allowance and social services.



Supporting service users to become experts in managing their own care. The project also supports the planning and coordination of care.

Training, Education and Awareness



The project actively supports health professionals within the primary care setting as well as allied health professionals working in the wider community with regular training programmes. 



The project also works closely with both primary and secondary schools to raise awareness of both sickle cell and thalassemia with staff and pupils alike. 


Community awareness

Community awareness is a vital component of the organisation. Preventative work within the community enhances knowledge and understanding of the conditions and how they can be managed. 

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