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Unusual Genes for Haemoglobin

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

Sickle cell disorders occur when unusual genes for haemoglobin are inherited from both parents. Sickle cell disorders can cause major health problems. There are three main types of sickle cell disorders.

If a child inherits the haemoglobin S gene from both parents (Hb SS) you inherit a blood disorder called sickle cell anaemia.

If you inherit haemoglobin S from one parent and another unusual gene for haemoglobin from the other parent e.g. Hb C, D, E or Thalassaemia, then another type of sickle cell disorder can arise for example:-

If a child inherits the haemoglobin S gene from one parent and the haemoglobin C gene from the other parent (Hb SC) you inherit a blood disorder called sickle haemoglobin C disorder.

If a child inherits the haemoglobin S gene from one parent and the Beta-thalassaemia from the other parent (Hb Sβ -Thal) you get a blood disorder called sickle beta-thalassaemia.


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